At Las Valientes, we rely entirely on donations from generous individuals like you. We do not receive any government grants or aid, so your donations make all the difference in the world for us. Please consider donating to our organization today to help us break the chains of domestic violence in our communities. For an even greater impact, consider becoming a monthly sponsor and make an even bigger difference in the lives of those we support. Please use the button below to make a one-time or monthly donation. Thank you for your generous support!
help support our mission
You can help us help abused individuals in San Diego County. We are in need of money, prepaid cell phones, professional resource providers, temporary housing opportunities and, most of all, your prayers. Your monetary contribution helps us provide the much needed basic resources such as food, clothing, transportation, and appointments to professional experts and caregivers.
We understand that times are tough, but with just a minimal donation on the part of many, we can continue to offer the care, expertise, and guidance that has made Las Valientes the resource to turn to for men, women, and children trapped in abusive environment and domestic situations.
In addition to donating money, please consider donating any of the following items to help our mission:
Donations (please use the purple donate buttons)
Computers, tablets, printers and other equipment
Gift Cards
Pre-Paid Cellphones
Temporary Housing